Sign up

We will help you choose membership. Start by choosing nationality below. Then follow the instructions to register as a member. If you have any questions, please call member service on 020-22 00 10, or send us an email to

A membership year extends from 1 July to 30 June.


Personal identity number
County / circle
Personal information

The price is adjusted automatically when you fill in your birth date and make your various choices. You can change all options before payment.

{{ currentPrice }} SEK

Our most common memberships

- Ordinary 675 SEK/membership year
- Junior 300 SEK/membership year
- Ordinary membership without Svensk Jakt 410 SEK/membership year
Read more about all our memberships.

The personal identity number is invalid (YYYYMMDD-XXXX) or is already exists in our member system. Don't hesitate to contact member service at eller 020-220010.
Please enter a valid date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD

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